Matrix Multiplication
给定一张图,处理形如 “从 \(u\) 到 \(v\) 恰好经过 \(k\) 条边的路径条数” 的计数问题。
设 \(f[u][v][k]\) 表示从 \(u\) 到 \(v\) 恰好经过 \(k\) 条边的路径条数,设 \(e[u][v]=1\) 表示存在一条从 \(u\) 到 \(v\) 的边,有转移 \[ f[u][v][k] = \sum_{1\le w\le n} f[u][w][k-1]\cdot e[w][v] \] 这是一个典型的矩阵乘法,设 \(F[k]\) 表示 \(k\) 步的 \(f\) 数组,有 \(F[k]=E^k (k\ge 0)\) 。
- 运算结果满足对应代数表达式;
- 满足结合律(用于快速幂加速)。
比较严谨的结论是:矩阵乘法可以处理的代数结构为半环 \((A,+,\cdot)\) ,即满足:
- \((A,+)\) 为带有单位元 \(0\) 的交换幺半群(单位元,结合律,交换律);
- \((A,\cdot\ )\) 为带有单位元 \(1\) 的幺半群(单位元,结合律);
- 乘法对加法同时有左、右分配律;
- 加法单位元 \(0\) 抵消乘法。
In general, if the addition and multiplication satisfies the axioms of semi-ring, then the associativity of multiplication of matrices holds, enabling us to optimize DP with the matrix exponentiation like described above.
A semi-ring is a set \(A\) equipped with two binary operations, addition \(+\) and multiplication \(\cdot\) , such that all the following properties is satisfied:
\((A,+)\) is an commutative monoid; i.e. it satisfies the following three conditions:
- The associativity of \(+\) holds. That is, for any \(a, b, c \in A\), it holds that \((a+b)+c=a+(b+c)\).
- There exists an identity 0 of \(+\). That is, there exists \(0 \in A\) such that \(a+0=0+a=a\).
- The commutativity of \(+\) holds. That is, for any \(a, b \in A\), it holds that \(a+b=b+a\).
\((A, \cdot)\) is a monoid; i.e. it satisfies the following two conditions:
The associativity of \(\cdot\) holds. That is, for any \(a,b,c\in A\), it holds that \((a \cdot b) \cdot c=a \cdot(b \cdot c)\) .
There exists an identity 1 of \(\cdot\). That is, there exists \(1 \in A\) such that \(a \cdot 1=1 \cdot a=a\).
\(+\) and \(\cdot\) satisfies the following distributive property holds:
For any \(a, b, c \in A\), it holds that \(a \cdot(b+c)=a \cdot b+a \cdot c\) .
For any \(a, b, c \in A\), it holds that \((a+b) \cdot c=a \cdot c+b \cdot c\) .
For all \(a \in A\), it holds that \(0 \cdot a=a \cdot 0=0\).
注意,使用广义矩阵乘法时,初始矩阵和单位矩阵对应的 \(0\) 和 \(1\) 自然的应当使用广义的 \(0\) 和 \(1\) 。
ID | \(A\) | \(+\) | \(0\) | \(\cdot\) | \(1\) |
1 | \(\mathbb{R}\) | \(\min\) | \(+\infty\) | \(\max\) | \(-\infty\) |
2 | \(\mathbb{R}\) | \(\max\) | \(-\infty\) | \(\min\) | \(+\infty\) |
3 | \(\mathbb{R}\cup \{-\infty \}\) | \(\max\) | \(-\infty\) | ordinary addition \(+\) | \(0\) |
4 | \(\mathbb{R}\cup \{+\infty \}\) | \(\min\) | \(+\infty\) | ordinary addition \(+\) | \(0\) |
5 | \(\forall n\in \mathbb{N^+},\ [0,2^n)\cap \mathbb{N}\) | bitwise OR | \(0\) | bitwise AND | \(2^n-1\) |
6 | \(\forall n\in \mathbb{N^+},\ [0,2^n)\cap \mathbb{N}\) | bitwise AND | \(2^n-1\) | bitwise OR | \(0\) |
7 | \(\forall n\in \mathbb{N^+},\ [0,2^n)\cap \mathbb{N}\) | bitwise XOR | \(0\) | bitwise AND | \(2^n-1\) |
ABC 236 G - Good Vertices
有一张无向图,开始没有边,第 \(1\sim m\) 秒每秒加一条边 \(u_i,v_i\) 。
询问每个点 \(u\) ,询问最早的时刻,图中存在一条长度恰好为 \(l\) 的从 \(1\) 到 \(u\) 的路径。
将边加入的时间设为边权,即 \(e[u_i][v_i]=i\) ,问题改为长度为 \(l\) 的路径上最大边权最小是多少。
设 \(f[u][v][k]\) 表示恰好经过 \(k\) 条边从 \(u\) 到 \(v\) ,路径上的最大边权最小值。
枚举第 \(k-1\) 步(即 \(v\) 前一个)走到的点 \(w\) ,转移方程为:\(f[u][v][k] = \min_{1\le w\le n} \big\{ \max (f[u][w][k-1], e[w][v])\big\}\)
只看一步转移,发现这是一个加法为 \(\min\) ,乘法为 \(\max\) 的矩阵乘法,检验:
- 加法 \(\min\) 的单位元为 \(+\infty\) ,满足结合律交换律;
- 乘法 \(\max\) 的单位元为 \(-\infty\) ,满足结合律;
- 左分配律:\(\max(a,\min(b,c)) = \min(\max(a,b),\max(a,c))\) ,由于 \(\max\) 有交换律所以右分配律自然成立;
- 加法单位元抵消乘法: \(\max(+\infty, x) = +\infty\)
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