Training Records - Minming Fan Club

Season: 2023-2024 (the 48th ICPC & the 9th CCPC)

Team Members: Yixiong GAO(G), Zhehan YU(YU), Shangkun ZHENG(Z), Yu HE(H), Fangzhao YAN(YA).


Date Contest Team Rank Solved Award
2023/09/23 The 48th ICPC Asia EC Online II G,YU,YA 71 / 2339 7 / 13 -
2023/10/28 IEEE Xtreme 17.0 G,YU,Z 11 / 7091 19 / 26 Hong Kong Championship
2023/11/05 The 9th CCPC Harbin Onsite G,YU,Z 14 / 244 6 / 13 Gold Medal
2023/11/12 The 9th CCPC Shenzhen Onsite G,YU,Z 85 / 268 4 / 13 Bronze Medal
2023/11/19 The 48th ICPC Asia Macau Regional (Observer) G,YU 17 / 77 5 / 11 Quickest Solver of E & J
2023/12/04 The 48th ICPC Asia Jinan Regional G,YU,H 45 / 346 7 / 13 Silver Medal
2023/12/10 The 48th ICPC Asia Hangzhou Regional G,YU,YA 20 / 435 6 / 13 Gold Medal

Virt. Contests

Date Contest Team Solved UpSolved
2023/09/19 2018-2019 ICPC Asia Jiaozuo Regional G,YU 7 / 12 7 / 12
2023/09/21 2019-2020 ICPC Southeastern European Regional G,YU,YA 7 / 11 7 / 11
2023/09/26 2020-2021 ICPC Asia Seoul Regional G,YU 9 / 12 9 / 12
2023/09/27 2022-2023 ICPC Asia Manila Regional G,YU,Z 10 / 12 10 / 12
2023/09/30 2021-2022 ICPC Southwestern European Regional G,YU,YA 9 / 12 9 / 12
2023/10/12 COMPFEST 13 - Finals G,H,Z 10 / 13 10 / 13
2023/10/14 COMPFEST 14 - Preliminary G,YU,Z 10 / 13 10 / 13
2023/10/17 The 47th ICPC Asia Shenyang Regional G,YU 5 / 13 6 / 13
2023/10/19 2018-2019 ICPC Asia East Continent Finals G,YU,Z 4 / 12 4 / 12
2023/10/20 2020-2021 ICPC NERC Southern and Volga Russian Regional G,YU,Z 13 / 14 13 / 14
2023/10/21 2017-2018 ICPC Asia East Continent League Finals G,YU,Z 9 / 13 9 / 13
2023/10/30 2023年中国大学生程序设计竞赛女生专场 G,YU,Z 9 / 12 9 / 12
2023/11/01 2020 CCPC Finals G,YU,Z 6 / 13 6 / 13
2023/11/10 2023 CCPC Guilin Onsite G,YU,Z 6 / 13 7 / 13
2023/11/22 The 47th ICPC Central Europe Regional G,YU,H 7 / 13 8 / 13
2023/11/25 The 48th ICPC Asia Nanjing Regional G,YU,H 7 / 13 7 / 13
2023/11/26 2023 ICPC Southwestern European Regional G,YU,YA 6 / 13 6 / 13
2023/11/29 Anton Trygub Contest 1 (The 1st UCup, Stage 4: Ukraine) G,YU,H 8 / 14 9 / 14
2023/12/06 The 48th ICPC Asia Hefei Regional G,YU 6 / 12 7 / 12